Beat the Crowds this Memorial Day Weekend: Hike Local.

Maricopa County Regional Parks Offer Safe & Fun Memorial Day Weekend Events

Yavapai Point at Lake Pleasant Regional Park

This Memorial Day weekend, don�t let forest closures, wildfires, crowds, holiday traffic and the unfortunate presence of drunks
drivers on the freeways prevent you from enjoying the outdoors.  If you�re opting to avoid the holiday maelstrom
by sticking around the Valley this weekend, consider getting re-acquainted with
the Maricopa County Regional Parks system. 
Early morning and evening programs and ranger-led hikes offer quick and
easy ways to get outside year-round. 
Here are just a few examples of fun things to do.

Spur Cross Ranch Conservation Area, Cave Creek

Life Along the Creek Hike

Jewel of the Creek  at Spur Cross Ranch Conservation Area

Friday, May 25: Life along the Creek.  Hike with Ranger Kevin through a rare
riparian area on Cave Creek while learning about the fascinating survival
skills of the site�s plants, animals and ancient human inhabitants.

Saturday, May 26: Moonlight Hike.  The desert comes alive on this
moon-illuminated trek.

Estrella Mountain Regional Park

Friday May 25: Moonlight Hike.  Explore magical desert environments under a
glowing moon.

Learn about saguaros.

Saturday May 26: In Search of Saguaros. It�s the height of
saguaro blossom season and you can learn interesting facts about the
magnificent desert giant on this ranger-lead hike.

White Tank Mountain Regional Park

Friday, May 25: Find the Ranger.  Ranger J.D. will be wandering along the
Waterfall Trail with a surprise for those who find him.

Saturday, May 26: Rattlesnakes! Fact and Fiction.  Scared to death of snakes? This workshop
explores myths, misinformation and ways to safely live with local �buzz worms�.

Lake Pleasant Regional Park

A perennial Memorial Day favorite, it�s smart to plan ahead and
expect crowds before heading out to hike, bike, fish or paddle.


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