Wag & Walk Dog Adoption Hikes 2017-2018 Season

Wag & Walk
Dog Adoption Hikes 2017-2018 Season

A Wag & Walk participant takes a snuggle break

A handsome boy and his volunteer handler.

October brings
cooler temperatures, sunny days and the beginning of hiking season in the Valley.
Few creatures are happier about this than the adoptable dogs at the Maricopa
County Animal Care & Control shelter in Mesa. That�s because on the first
Saturday of every month from October through April, they get to strut their stuff
along the Merkel Trail at Usery Mountain Regional Park.

Shelter volunteers are on hand to assist you

 The public is invited to join the four-legged sweeties on these easy, 1-mile Wag & Walk Dog Adoption Hikes and also stick around for a meet-and-greet play session back at the trailhead.
Shelter volunteers will be on hand to answer your questions about each
dog�s personality, activity level, trick repertoire and history.

You can even �test
drive� the dogs to see how well they behave on leash. For those looking for a potential
canine hiking partner, this is a great opportunity to interact with dogs
outside of the kennel environment where they are more relaxed and better able
to display their true characters. All participating dogs will be spayed or
neutered, up-to-date on their shots and ready to go home with you on the spot!  But, you don�t have to be considering adoption
to join the fun. 

An adoptable dog demonstrates his hiking skills.

Perhaps you�re thinking
about becoming a volunteer or looking for a way to add miles to your 100 Miles
in 100 Days Challenge
�a Maricopa County Park program that encourages hikers,
bikers and horseback riders to log 100 trail miles between November 1, 2017
and February 8, 2018. We can help you with that. So why not double down on the

Looking for her forever home....


Mountain Regional Park, Area 6.

3939 N. Usery
Pass Road, Mesa

DATE: Saturday,
October 7, 2017 and every first Saturday through April.

TIME: 9 a.m. �
10:30 a.m.

Wag & Walk

100 Miles in 100
Days Challenge


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