
Stump Tank along Forest Road 108

The year 1926 marked
the birth of two American icons---Route 66 and Devil Dogs snack cakes. That
year, the Mother Road, which runs from Chicago to Los Angeles, received its
official numerical designation and the Drake Baking Company rolled out the
chocolate cream-filled treats. So, how do these bits of trivia distill into a
story about hiking? Easy�the subject route begins at the Interstate 40 Devil
Dog exit and follows two decommissioned sections of Historic Route 66.

Although it�s
more likely that the Devil Dog Loop #117 was named for the World War I moniker
for U.S. Marines instead of the kiddie lunch box staple, the trail makes a name
for itself as a history-steeped walk in the forest.

1922 alignment of Route 66

For much of the
20th century, Route 66 served as a major highway through northern
Arizona. Its demise came with the construction of Interstate 40 which gradually
replaced the scenic road with a modern freeway.

Walter (not a devil dog) on the 1932 alignment

The section near Williams was completed
in 1984. Except for preserved segments that run through places like Flagstaff
and Winslow, all that remains of Route 66 are weedy tracks and patches of
cracked asphalt. But our nostalgia for artifacts of simpler times motivates us
to preserve historic transportation corridors by repurposing them into recreational
trails.   And, that�s what was done with the
decommissioned 1922 and 1932 realignments of Route 66 west of Williams.

The woodsy
 isn't too difficult to navigate as long as you pay attention.  There are a few strategically placed bike emblem trail markers, but they are easy to miss. From the trailhead kiosk, continue hiking south on Forest Road 108.

Trail marker on the 1922 alignment

At 0.4 mile, the road meets the grassy swale of Stump Tank. Go left at the next junction, hike to the 0.7 mile point and veer right. At 0.9 mile the road meets the loop portion of the route, go right at the Hat Ranch sign (the left fork is the return route). After a short distance, a rough dirt road veers off to the left---this is the 1922 alignment (a.k.a Forest Road 45). Follow this road to the 2-mile point and go straight at the junction.

Mushrooms thrive along the route 

At 2.4 miles, the trail loops back on the 1932 alignment (a.k.a. Forest Road 9217E) and is easy to follow.

Remnants of pavement and stonework culverts conjure images from John
Steinbeck�s depression-era novels and pre-digital days when folks cruised in
Model Ts, Studebakers and souped up Chevys.  

Stump Tank

To get your fix of axle grease and chrome, the
town of Williams hosts several classic car shows each year and you can almost
always spot a few restored beauties parked near the mid-century-themed diners that line downtown

Get your kicks on Route 66

1922 alignment of Route 66

For those who
enjoy hiking to music, won�t you get hip to this timely tip: download one of
the many iterations of the tune (Get Your Kicks On) Route 66. The 1946 Nate
King Cole version is a master class in rhythm and blues, but if you prefer a
rock spin, try the one by the Rolling Stones. Either one will put a hop in your
step as you trek through history.

Wild geraniums are a familiar sight in summer

LENGTH: 5-mile

RATING: easy

- 6800'


From Interstate
40 in Williams, go 6 miles west to the Devil Dog exit # 157 for Forest Road
108. Follow FR 108 to the first "T" junction, go right then make a left at the next "T" and continue to the kiosk and parking loop on the right.

Kaibab National Forest


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