
Stewart Creek trickles along Boulders Loop

Sometimes, a trail�s name and its
reputation dovetail like a fine hewn joint. The Boulders Loop Trail in Payson
is such an excellent example of this that it has earned a local moniker:
�Boulderpalooza�.  And that�s not the
only home-grown terminology inspired by this twisted little trail that whirls
through creek-scoured back country a few miles southeast of town.

Resident trail maven, photographer
and hike-stick-maker Randy Cockrell, who leads treks for the Payson Packers
hike group, shared some insight into the informal names locals have bestowed
upon landmarks along the route.

Hikers navigate "Boulderpalooza".

But first, let us discuss why this entertaining Payson Area Trails System (P.A.T.S.) route might also be dubbed, �Boulder Confusion�. Finding the trailhead is the
first of several challenges. To get to the loop from the Monument Peak
trailhead, hike 0.5 mile down FR 435 to where the gorge of Stewart Creek
appears on the right. An unmarked trail on the right had been the access point,
but was washed out during the heavy rains of 2016-17. Instead, continue another
0.25 mile and locate the wide, sandy ATV access point. Hike down into the
gorge, veer right and look for the tiny P.A.T.S. trail sign up on the opposite
bank. Scramble up the embankment to reach the loop.

The loop's north leg has great views.

Go right to hike the north
loop first. This way, you�ll get all the tough climbing out of the way. This
easy-to-follow section makes its ascent through a shady cypress-oak
woodland. Use your huffing and puffing as good excuses to stop and view the
�shark fin� rock formation and a stunning landscape emerging behind you. The
trail then dives back down to meet Stewart Creek again for the first of several
effortless crossings. At the one-mile point on the loop, the trail intersects
�sign vortex�. This apt alias describes a clearing cluttered with both forest service
and PATS signs of wood, Carsonite composite and plastic tree emblems. Ignore
the magical forces attempting to get you lost. Go left. Now
on the south leg of the loop, the terrain changes from forest to an exposed
pocket of granite heaps weather-sculpted into fanciful forms that resemble a certain
cartoon mouse, dragons and bowling balls. There�s also the �world-famous Butt
Crack Rock�. (Okay---that last name was on me.) The rocky corridor can be
difficult to navigate. This past winter was not kind to the usually impeccable
signage, plus, tight curves, slippery descents and tangent social trails might
cause some head-scratching.

Randy Cockrell of Payson ponders the mystery circles.

Hang in there, though. Once through the maze, you�ll
spot signs to get you back on the main course. 

Near the end of the loop, a
massive slab of peachy granite bears mysterious circular impressions.

Certainly, there�s a scientific explanation
for the curious pock marks. However, it�s more fun to toss around
theories of space aliens, blunt-footed dinosaurs or freak forces of nature. Summon your creative energies because this is a phenomenon in need of a name.

LENGTH: 4 miles

RATING: difficult


Butt Crack Rock


From the intersection of State Routes 87/260 in Payson, turn
right and go less than a mile east on SR260 to Granite Dells Road (located just
past the Safeway center). Turn right and go 3.3 miles on Granite Dells Road
(which will turn into Forest Road 435 after 1.3 miles) and park at the Monument
Peak trailhead on the left.



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