MUD TANK TRAIL, BRAD'S TRAIL & FROG TANK LOOP Munds Park Trail System Mud Tank Just off Interstate 17 a few miles south of Flagstaff, a mix of Coconino National Forest roads and footpaths have been adopted by the Munds Park Trail Stewards-- a non-profit organization that maintains and builds recreational routes around the mountain community. The Munds Park Trail System offers a varied menu of both ATV and hiker options enhanced with a plethora of eye candy and points of interest. Typical scene on the Mud Tank Trail The Iron Springs Trailhead serves as the system�s nerve center with a map kiosk showing an overview of the entire matrix as well as providing a launch point for the Mud Tank Trail, Brad�s Trail and Frog Tank Loop. A good way to get warmed up before exploring the system�s longer routes is to step out on the Mud Tank Trail. This effortless walk among Ponderosa pines is open to hikers, bikers and equestrians and culminates at a stock pond. The watering hole is a quiet...