National Forest/Superstition Wilderness

Hackberry Spring Dec. 25, 2016

hikers with a good pair of boots and reasonable balance will have no
trouble navigating the maze of horse trails that lead to Hackberry
Spring in the Superstition Wilderness Area. The hike begins on an old
dirt road that leads to a collection of decaying corrals and
dilapidated buildings that surround the spidery legs of a windmill.
Over the years, the windmill�s blades gradually rusted, fell to the
ground and eventually disappeared. Please take only pictures and
leave only footprints. From this abandoned ranch site, look for a
slim dirt path to the left of the windmill and follow it to the
slickrock corridor of First Water Creek.

Slickrock section through First Water Creek

Veer left and enter a stony
corridor that flanks the wilderness boundary. Although the route is
heavily travelled, directional fortitude and minor scrambling is necessary. Depending on rainfall, the creek can be churning,
trickling or reduced to residual pothole pools. Regardless of its condition, expect to
hop the creek about a dozen times and wet feet are a real
possibility. It�s advisable to avoid the area during and
immediately following heavy storms for safety and to avoid eroding
the trails.

route soon enters a water-scoured gorge weaving among boulders, tiny
stands of trees, and reeds full of vociferous, cardinals and canyon
wrens. Evidence of the area�s volcanic origins as well as the
landscape-shaping effects of running water is showcased in soaring
canyon walls, shallow caves chiseled out of lava rock and hundreds of
mini pools scoured from solid rock. The spring 
itself features a
rusty pipe poking out of a cliff face that funnels water into a quiet
pool surrounded by Fremont cottonwoods, Goodding willows and, of
course, hackberry shrubs. Return the way you came or consult forest
service maps for alternate routes.

3 miles round-trip

moderate, some route-finding skills are required.

1,900 � 2,450 feet

From Phoenix, take US
60 east to the Idaho Road/State Route 88 exit 196. At the bottom of
the off ramp, go left, follow Idaho Road to SR 88, turn right and
continue to just past the Lost Dutchman State Park entrance (between
mileposts 201 and 202) and turn right onto First Water Road (Forest
Road 78). Follow FR78 for just over 2 miles to the horse parking lot
(NOT the First Water trailhead) on the left and park there.


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