The Santa Catalina mountains viewed from the wetlands

Not so long ago, the area surrounding
Tucson's Sweetwater Wetlands was home to dusty croplands and tumbling
tumbleweeds. This desert expanse along the usually dry* channel of
the Santa Cruz River provided little in terms of quality wildlife
habitat. Recognizing an opportunity to transform the site into a
desert oasis with a multi-faceted set of objectives, the City of
Tucson constructed the wetlands to serve as a water reclamation
facility that recharges the local aquifer and provides reclaimed
water for reuse in city turf irrigation thus conserving potable water
for human consumption. The project also restores and protects
important plant and animal ecosystems. According to the Tucson
Audubon Society, more than 300 bird species have been spotted at the
site. Warblers, waterfowl, song sparrows and wading birds are drawn
to the watery, green oasis along with critters like racoons, deer,
reptiles and amphibians.

The site is an oasis of water-loving plants and trees

Finally, the wetlands provide an
outdoor classroom with recreational trails and interpretive signs
enhanced by Discovery Program Journeys-- an activity developed by
Tucson Water and the University of Arizona Project WET that allows
guests to access information on botany, wildlife and hydrology by
using a QR code smart devise app to scan posts placed at points of
interest on the trails. Additionally, Tucson Audubon Society
conducts year-round bird walks on Wednesday mornings. Check their
website for times.

View from an observation deck

For the casual hiker, the property's
pair of half-mile loop trails and a barrier-free paved walkway lead
to observation decks and peek-a-boo sites with benches for spying on
waterbirds among house-high cattails. Additional
cottonwood-and-willow-shaded routes around the perimeter provide up
to 2.5 miles of flat, easy hiking opportunities.

* Tucson Water has announced plans to
divert some surface flow back to the river beginning in 2017. Stay
tuned for updates.

LENGTH: 2.5 miles

RATING: easy

ELEVATION: 2250' - 2265'

HOURS: open daily from one hour before
sunrise to one hour after sunset.

The site opens late (8:30 a.m.) on
Monday mornings from late March thru mid-November due to scheduled
mosquito control operations.

FACILITIES: restrooms, drinking
fountain, seating, information kiosk

RULES: No dogs or bike riding allowed.


Resident waterfowl float happily in a pond

From Interstate 10 in Tucson take the
Camino Del Cerro/Ruthrauff Road exit 252. At the bottom of the
off ramp, continue straight ahead on the frontage road past the Camino
Del Cerro intersection and go 1.2 miles and turn right on Sweetwater
Drive. The parking area is 0.2 mile Go 0.2 mile and look for the
Sweetwater Wetlands entrance on the left (there is a small parking lot
on your left and a larger one on your right).


City of Tucson

Tucson Audubon Society Bird Walks:

Arizona Project WET


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