McDowell Sonoran Preserve

Massive granite boulders flank Renegade Trail

In many ways, hiking is a renegade
sport. Rebellious souls who answer the call of the wild grow
impervious to heavy packs, sore feet, gross food, weather and self
doubt. They pee in the forest and sleep on the ground while working
around physical obstacles and an array of toxic plants and poisonous
critters. To the hiker-at-heart, this is fun. So it's fitting that
a new trail in Scottsdale's McDowell Sonoran Preserve pays homage to
those who approach the trails unwashed, unshaven and living the
dream. Renegade Trail is just one example of the preserve's route
monikers that embrace our Western heritage with seasonings of humor
and irony. Examples include, Wrangler, Rustler, Buckshot, Cow Poke
and the crown jewel--Whiskey Bottle. Kudos to the preserve's
naming committee which I imagine conjure these names over beers at a
honky tonk.

A blind corner on Desperado Trail

Tucked into the preserve's
northeast corner, Renegade Trail rumbles through a mix of wide open
spaces and boulder-choked passages miles from established trailheads.
The primary reward of hiking the extra miles to reach this route is
escape from the crowds that tend to wander the curiosity-rich trails
to the south. Quieter surroundings make for better opportunities to
spot the Red-tailed hawks, ravens, coyotes and reptiles that
disappear among the area's rocky crevasses when human traffic is
high. Like all trails in the preserve, there's more than one way to incorporate the Renegade Trail into a day hike.

The "Michelin Man" 

Here's one circuit that takes you through
a gnarly bike path and a scenic box canyon with swings around a
"Michelin Man" cactus and a magnificent crested saguaro.


Big desert views on Renegade Trail

From the trailhead, follow
the 136th Street Trail 2.2 miles north to the Renegade Trail
junction. Follow Renegade 2.1 miles to where it ends at High Desert
Trail. Backtrack 0.7 mile, veer right onto Desperado Trail and follow
it 0.5 mile to Coyote Canyon Trail. Turn left, hike 0.5 mile and head
right on Dove Valley Trail. Follow DVT 1 mile to 136th Street Trail,
go right and hike 1.3 miles back to the trailhead.

LENGTH: 8.3 miles round trip

RATING: moderate

ELEVATION: 2,614' - 2,849'


Granite Mountain Trailhead

31402 N. 136th St. Scottsdale.

From Loop 101 in Scottsdale, take the
Princess/Pima exit #36 and go 6.5 miles north on Pima to Dynamite
Blvd./Rio Verde Dr. Turn right and continue 5.9 miles to 136th
St., turn left and go 1.8 miles to the trailhead on the left.
Trailhead is open sunrise to sunset. No facilities.


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