Little Bear Trail, October 2016

Before the 2010 Schultz Fire charred
much of the forest around Flagstaff's Dry Lake Hills, a stand of
Big-tooth maples on Little Bear Trail filled a gorge overlooking
cinder cone dotted plains. The sound of their whispering leaves
bounced off nearby cliffs where the trail wound around one of a dozen
or so switchbacks that ease the hike's 1,100 foot haul to connect
with the upper trail system that flows over the slopes of Mount
Elden. The maples tickled the edges of a stony ledge with broad views
of O'Leary Peak and Sunset Crater jutting from stark, volcanic
highlands. On really clear days, the pastel tints of the Painted
Desert glint in the distance. This had been one of my favorite
contemplative spots in Flagstaff.

Little Bear Trail , July 2009

Little Bear Trail took the brunt of the
blaze, which reduced the once deeply wooded trail to charcoal and ash.
A heavy monsoon season that followed added to the damage, so the
forest service decided to shut the trail down due to safety concerns.
Since the fire, I've often wondered if the smattering of maples and
aspens along the route had survived. I'd have to wait six years for
the answer. After intensive rehabilitation, the trail re-opened on
October 20, 2016. Thanks to the efforts of countless volunteers,
organizations and local businesses, the trail's treacherous, rocky
terrain has been restored to again provide safe passage for
non-motorized recreation. Eager to visit my favorite lookout ledge
and maples, I hit the trail the day after it re-opened. Starting from
the Little Elden trailhead, moderate fire damage appears in fits and
starts. Patches of blackened snags interspersed among intact pine-oak
woodlands, teased that the fire might not have been that bad. Then,
it got worse.

The 2010 Schultz Fire damaged Little Bear Trail

At the Little Bear junction, a panorama of destruction
takes center stage. The sight of barren foothills, charcoal
matchsticks that had been Douglas firs and sun washed meadows where
Gambel oaks once grew in profusion beneath old growth Ponderosa pines
felt like a kick in the gut. Although much of the 3.4-mile route was
unrecognizable, short segments of surviving forest and the brilliant
trail restoration work lifted my spirits. My stony ledge lookout was
there, but the pines that had framed it were gone, but hints of maple
resurgence and piles of spent aspen leaves inspired me to keep
moving. Near the trail's high point, it appears the fire ran out of
energy, thus sparing the forest and a patch a spindly aspens abutting
the Sunset Trail junction. All was not lost.

On the way down, I ran into a couple of
hikers who had not experienced the route before the fire. "Isn't
this a beautiful trail?" one of them blurted out. "Yes, and
a beautiful day, too." the other gushed. On both accounts, it

Pine seedlings are part of the restoration

LENGTH: 8.6 miles (up and back)

RATING: difficult

ELEVATION: 7320' - 8430'


In Flagstaff, go north on US 89 to
Forest Road 556 (Elden Spring Road, just past mile post 429) turn
left and continue 2.4 miles to the trailhead on the right. From the
trailhead kiosk, follow the access trail 0.3 mile to the Little Elden
(Arizona Trail) junction, go right and continue 0.6 mile to Little
Bear Trail. Hike 3.4 miles uphill to the Sunset Trail. Turnaround
here or consult maps to make a loop hike.

INFO & MAP: Coconino National Forest


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