
Approaching Little Spring

From the looks of the place,
it's hard to imaging a stage coach lurching through the bumpy terrain
below the north face of Flagstaff's San Francisco Peaks. Between
1892-1900, the Flagstaff to Grand Canyon Stagecoach line did just
that, braving rough back roads to shuttle guests to the South Rim
during the summer season.

The stage service is long
gone, but portions of its former route live on as footpaths used by
hikers, bikers and for ultra running and long distance trekking
events. One of the most beautiful segments of the historic trail
wanders along the eastern edge of Hart Prairie just outside of the
Kachina Peaks Wilderness Area. The hike begins near Little Spring, a
popular stop along the stagecoach route that's now part of a national
historic landmark. Picking up the trail is a little bit tricky in
the beginning. From the parking spot, hike
0.4 mile on an old dirt road to where there�s a split rail fence
on the right. Leave the road and hike into the meadow aiming for a
pair of fallen logs lying parallel on the ground. There�s a rough
2-track leading to the C. Hart Merriam Base Camp historic marker and
the spring. Most of the time, the spring is but a trickling seep full
of frogs and No-See-Um flies. The pesky biting insects can inflict
irritating (but usually not too serious) stings. Eucalyptus or
citronella based botanical repellants help ward off the swarms. To
pick up the trail to Bismarck Lake, climb above the washout directly
behind the spring then huff and puff your way 500 feet up a steep
trail covered in pine needles and mushrooms. At the top of the hill,
catch your breath in a sunny, fern-ringed meadow before heading right
on paths that lead to the lake.

Little Spring

Bismarck Lake is actually an eroded,
water filled volcanic crater that's more puddle than pond. Water
levels in the shallow depression vacillate between knee-deep
reflecting pool and barely there muddy bog. The soggy basin is
surrounded by aspens, basalt boulders and fields of wildflowers in
the shadow of Arizona's highest peaks. Although this is a satisfying
turnaround point, it's easy to cobble together a longer trek. Just
pick up the path on the western edge of the lake and hike 0.2-mile to
the Bismarck Lake Trail junction. From here, it's 0.4-mile to the
Arizona Trail Passage #34 where you can go right and hike 3.5 miles
(8,880' - 9,000') through magnificent aspen forests to Aspen Corner
on Snowbowl Road or go left for for a 3.7-mile (8,880'-8,280') for a
downhill trek through spruce and fir to Forest Road 418.

Bismarck Lake

LENGTH: 3 miles roundtrip
(spring to lake and back)

RATING: moderate

ELEVATION: 8,300'-8,800'


Little Spring Trailhead:

From Flagstaff, travel 19 miles north
on US 180 to the upper loop of FR 151 (Hart Prairie Road) near
milepost 235. Turn right and drive 1.6 miles to FR418, veer right to
stay on FR151, set your odometer and continue 2.4 miles to an Forest
Road 418B and a sign indicating Little Spring on the right. You can
drive it up to 0.25-mile, but it�s narrow and nasty. Find a place
to park, before the �road closed� gate.


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