Phoenix Sonoran Preserve,

Sidewinder Trail near Desert Hills Trailhead

We desert dwellers have been
lucky this year. May temperatures have been more balmy than
blistering, thus extending our cool-weather hiking season by several
weeks. But, we all know what's coming--triple digit heat and the
ominous whir of rescue helicopters circling above Valley trails. Each
year, more than 200 hikers get into trouble on local paths. Although
accidents do happen, emergencies like dehydration and heat exhaustion
are avoidable. At the new Desert Hills Trailhead that was opened last
week, a colorfully illustrated sign gives concise pointers on how to
stay safe. The new site provides access to more than 35 miles of
trails in the north end of the Phoenix Sonoran Preserve including
the two longest routes, Sidewinder (6.98 miles) and Ocotillo (6.25
miles). Sidewinder makes a roller coaster style swing up and around
the preserve's hills while Ocotillo wanders along the lower slopes.
The trails head out in opposite directions and reconnect at the
preserve's southern Apache Wash Trailhead for a 13.23-mile loop. If
you're not interested in a long trek, a map kiosk at the trailhead
shows how to use any of the 11 connecting paths to suit your fancy. All
preserve routes are well-signed and sustainably designed, however,
hiking these beautiful trails could be deadly for those who are
unprepared for heat and rocky, thorn addled desert terrain.

trailhead sign outlines the Take a Hike, Do it Right campaign that
was rolled out last year to promote preparedness. Most of the tips
are no-brainers, such as, bring plenty of water, hike in early
morning, wear sturdy shoes and stay on designated trails. Skilled
trekkers are not immune. (In the human brain, it seems the confidence
synapse lives next door to the one for risk taking). Think about
it--news coverage of trail tragedies often describe the victims as
"experienced hikers". So, while checking out the Valley's
newest trailhead, take a few minutes to review the Do It Right sign.
Being properly supplied and geared up will enhance your hiking
enjoyment while assuring that the trail photos you posted to social
media don't become "before" images on the evening news.

Desert Hills Trailhead


Sidewinder: 6.98 miles one way

Ocotillo: 6.25 miles one way

RATING: moderate

ELEVATION: 1,720' - 2,002'

Ocotillo Trail


Desert Hills Trailhead:

705 W. Carefree Highway (7th Ave. &
Carefree Hwy.), Phoenix.

There's plenty of parking, equestrian
lot, shade ramada with seating, restrooms, but NO WATER.

INFO & MAP: City of Phoenix

Take A Hike, Do It Right:


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