Tonto National Forest

Red Rock Spring

Water is the life force of
the forest. In Arizona, where water is too often in short supply, the
forests have some creative ways of storing and distributing the
precious liquid. An example of a natural water system can be observed
near the base of the Mogollon Rim near Pine. Beneath the imposing,
vertical cliffs that mark the edge of the Colorado Plateau, numerous
springs provide reliable water sources for wildlife and long distance
hikers. The springs are charged when melting snow and rainfall on the
7,000-foot escarpment, soaks through the porous rocks emerging
hundreds of feet below as gushing waterfalls (Horton Spring) oozing
seeps (Dripping Spring) and trickling fountains like those
encountered on a hike from Forest Road 64 to the Geronimo Trailhead.
Using Red Rock Trail #294 and part of Highline Trail #31, this
customizable, water-themed trek visits two springs and a creek on its
way through scrubby foothills and damp, pine-oak woodlands. Trail
#294 climbs more than 600 feet on a juniper-shaded, rocky road that
uses subtle turns and natural stone staircases to ascend the rugged
slopes below the Rim. At the half-mile point, veer right at a rock
barricade and pick up the narrower, loose rock path heading skyward.
On the way up, glimpses of the Mazatzal Wilderness tease of sweeping
vistas to come. With every few feet of elevation gained, the views
blossom into ever expanding panoramas of emerald valleys and distant

Approaching Pine Spring

At the 1-mile point, the trail meets Highline Trail #31
which is also part of the state traversing Arizona Trail Passage #27.
With the major climbing done, you can now breath easier and enjoy
hiking to the water spots strung out along the route. Red Rock
Spring is located a few yards to the left (west) of the junction.
It's a beautiful, shaded spot with a concrete trough that usually has
water suitable for drinking once its been filtered. From here, hike
one mile east (go right at the junction) to Pine Spring. Sheltered
among tall pines and whispering maples, this historic site features
two antique wooden spring boxes that are no longer effective at
trapping the flow. The wayward water runs downhill in lazy rivulets,
supporting a ribbon of greenery and a healthy population of Yellow
Monkey Flowers growing on a soggy embankment. In a pinch, you could
filter some drinking water here, but, don't count on it. The next
three miles of the route duck in and out of dark forests and sun
exposed, yucca-fringed ledges before coming to the cool waters of
spring-fed, Webber Creek near the Geronimo Trailhead. If you're up
for more, the Highline Trail continues 8 miles east to the 260
Trailhead while the Arizona Trail turns north at Washington Park on
its way to the Utah border.

Mountain views all around

LENGTH: 5 miles one way to Geronimo

To Red Rock Spring: 1 miles one way

To Pine Spring: 2 miles one way

RATING: moderate

ELEVATION: 5,390' - 6,050'


Red Rock Spring (west) Trailhead:

From the intersection of State Routes
87/260 in Payson, go 12 miles north on SR 87 to milepost 265 (2
miles north of Tonto Natural Bridge State Park) and turn right on
Control Road (Forest Road 64). Continue 2.4 miles to the trailhead on
the left. This is easy to miss because the trail sign is located
about 30 yards up from the road. There�s no parking lot-- just find
a spot in the turnouts along the road. Control Road is maintained
dirt suitable for passenger cars.

Highline Trail #31

Geronimo (east) Trailhead:

From the Red Rock trailhead, continue
another 3.5 miles on Control Road to Forest Road 440 (Webber Creek
Road). Go left (north) on FR 440 and continue 2 miles to the Geronimo
trailhead on the right. High clearance is recommended on FR 440.

INFO: Payson Ranger
District, Tonto National Forest:

Arizona Trail Association:



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