Coconino National Forest,

Orange paint marks tress to save during 4FRI (Okay Orange)

The heat is on and with it
comes the annual migration of Valley hikers to the cool forests of
Northern Arizona. While trekking along high country trails, you
might encounter trees bearing orange or blue paint blazes. These
colorful codes are part of the Four Forest Restoration Initiative
(4FRI), a planned 20-year effort to restore fire-adapted ecosystems
in Kaibab, Coconino, Apache-Sitgreaves and Tonto National Forests
through hand thinning, logging and prescribed burns.

Orange paint designates
trees that will not be cut (and may also indicate treatment area
boundaries) while blue marks those to be removed. An easy way to remember this: Okay Orange, Bye Bye Blue.

Scars of the 2010 Schultz Fire

Many Arizona forests are
rife with unhealthy, tinderbox conditions. The major goals of 4FRI
are to reduce fuels that contribute to unnaturally catastrophic
wildfires, protect watershed resources, increase plant diversity and
preserve wildlife habitats. The project is currently active in
Flagstaff's Dry Lake Hills area. You can observe some of the prep
work by taking a hike on the Oldham Trails. The tour begins in
Buffalo Park with an easy half-mile walk north to the Lower
Oldham/Arizona Trail junction. From here, follow the Arizona Trail

Blue means cut. (ByeBye Blue)

Numerous, unmarked secondary trails run through the area and
can be confusing. Oldham Trail runs to the east, nearest the
mountain, but if you miss it, no worries---just keep heading north
and you'll end up on Elden Mountain Road roughly 2.5 miles north of
the park. Along the way, stop and contemplate the woodlands and see
if you can figure out the logic behind the save/cut markings on the
Ponderosa pine trees. Once on the road, signage improves and you can
continue on to Upper Oldham or any of the Dry Lake Hills system
trails. To keep with the theme of forest health, hike Upper Oldham
Trail to Sunset Trail, turn right and walk 1.3 miles across a barren
ridgeline to the summit of Mount Elden. Here, the devastation caused
by the 2010 Shultz Fire is clearly visible on the mountain's flanks.
This is exactly the kind of disaster the 4RFI is trying to prevent.

Logging activities in
treatment areas may cause temporary trail closures, so be sure to
check the forest service website before heading out.

Upper Oldham Trail


All distances include the
0.5-mile park access trail.

Lower (Easy) Oldham: 2.5
miles one-way to Mt. Elden Road

Oldham #1: 3.2 miles one-way
to Mt. Elden Road

Upper Oldham: 5.3 miles

To Mount Elden: 6.6 miles

RATING: easy - difficult


Lower Oldham: 7,040' -

Oldham #1: 7,040' - 7,590'

Upper Oldham: 7,040' -

Sunset Trail to Mount Elden:
8,920' - 9,299'


From Route 66 in Flagstaff,
go 0.6 mile north on Humphreys St. to Fort Valley Road (US180). Turn
left and continue 0.3 mile to Forest Ave., turn right and continue 1
mile to the stop light at Gemini Drive. Turn left and follow the
signs to Buffalo Park.

INFO: Coconino National


Four Forest Restoration Initiative


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