
Aspens near the summit of Bill Williams Mountain

Heading west from Flagstaff
on Interstate 40, the distinctive profile of Bill Williams Mountain
juts over sprawling prairies criss-crossed with railroad tracks and
remnants of Historic Route 66. The mountain's lumpy appearance is the
result of multiple volcanic events that caused lava to accumulate in
irregular heaps. The eruptions that occurred roughly 4.2 to 2.8
million years ago mark the western edge of the San Francisco
Volcanic Field---an arc of molten rock relics that includes San
Francisco Mountain (Humphreys Peak) stretching from Williams to north
east of Flagstaff. Mountains like this one are just too tempting not
to conquer. Because it's there, three ways to get to its summit have
been established. You could drive to the top on the dirt road, but
what fun is that? A more entertaining way up is to hike one of the single track trails.   Although both routes are about the same
length, each offers a unique experience. Bill William Mountain Trail makes a straight up climb on
massif's lush, aspen and fern populated north face. An easier,
albeit still challenging route is the Benham Trail which employs long
switchbacks to take much of the sting out of its ascent of the
mountain's dryer eastern flank.  On the way up, look for expansive views of
Garland Prairie, Sycamore Canyon Wilderness and a living slide show
of Flagstaff-area peaks poking thru canopies of Gambel oak. Near the top, you'll encounter some aspens,
fir, spruce and mossy rocks before the trail lands at a saddle with
photogenic views of an impressive, pine-fleeced pinnacle called
Finger Rock. From this scenic landing, head right on the dirt road
for the final half mile trudge to the top. On the summit, an array
of humming communication towers and a 1937 vintage fire lookout hover
above swarms of brilliant red-orange ladybugs that congregate on
shrubs and stony outcroppings. The best time to see the annual
beetle convergence is from late spring thru summer.

Summit vista

LENGTH: 9 miles roundtrip

RATING: difficult

ELEVATION: 7,300' - 9,256'


San Francisco Peaks 

From Interstate 40 in
Williams, take exit 165 and follow Railroad Road 2.4 miles to 4th
Street. Turn left and continue 3.6 miles south (4th St. becomes
Perkinsville Road/County Road 73) to the trailhead turnoff past
milepost 181. Roads are paved/gravel and sedan-friendly.

INFO: Williams Ranger
District, Kaibab National Forest



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