Measurement in Clinical Practice and Research (Part I): Interview with Dr. Mary Rauktis

[Episode 43] Today�s podcast is the first in a two part series on measurement for clinical practice and research. In today's podcast I speak with Dr. Mary Rauktis about how she became interested in measurement; some key concepts needed to understand measurement including reliability, validity and error; and how to understand measures used in research articles.

In part two of the podcast we talk about the difference between measurement in the field and measurement in research settings. We talk about some of the ways that social workers can think about measurement as a tool to improve clinical practice, and some ways that social workers in the field can develop measures that will really benefit their clients. We talk about some of the challenges social workers have using measurement tools because of how rarely measures are integrated into social work courses. We talk about some ideas for how to better integrate measurement into social work education, particularly beyond the required research classes. We end Part II with a discussion of some resources for social workers interested in learning more about measurement.

Download MP3 [34:50]


Mary Elizabeth Rauktis Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor of Research in the Child Welfare Research and Training Program. She is a 1993 graduate of the University of Pittsburgh, School of Social Work.

Prior to her appointment at the University of Pittsburgh, she was the Director of Research and Evaluation at Pressley Ridge, an international nonprofit provider of services to children and families. She was an adjunct at the University Of Pittsburgh School Of Social Work and Robert Morris University Business School, nonprofit management and a visiting professor at the University of Minho, Institute of Child and Family Studies in Portugal.

Contact InformationThe University of Pittsburgh
Room 2326 Cathedral of LearningPittsburgh PA 15260
Office 412 648 1225
Cell 412. 716.9061
fax: 412.624.1159

References and Resources
  • Fisher, J, & Corcoran, K. (2006). Measures for clinical practice and research: Volume 1: couples, families and children (4th ed.). New York: Oxford University Press.

  • Lyons, J., Howard, K., O�Mahoney, M., & Lish, J. (1997). The measurement and management of clinical outcomes in mental health. NJ: Wiley Publishing Company.

  • Maruish, M. E. (2004). The use of psychological testing for treatment planning and outcomes assessment: Instruments for children and adolescents (3rd ed., volume 2). New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

APA (6th ed) citation for this podcast:

Singer, J. B. (Producer). (2008, October 6). Measurement in clinical practice and research (Part I): Interview with Dr. Mary Rauktis [Episode 43]. Social Work Podcast [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from


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