Phone Supervision (Part II): Interview with Simon Feuerman and Melissa Groman

In this episode we talk about the technical details of setting up and participating in phone supervision, NASW guidelines for supervision and the benefits for supervision and consultation, and the future of phone supervision, including the emergence of webcam technologies. We end with an �off line� discussion about my experience conducting this interview over the phone.
In the first part, I spoke with Simon and Melissa about the similarities and differences between face-to-face and phone supervision, advantages and disadvantages, the difference between clinical supervision and consultation, existing research on phone supervision and some thoughts about approaches to phone supervision. In the third episode I interview Jody Bechtold, whom regular listeners will recognize from the ever-popular series on pathological gambling. Jody and I spoke about her experience receiving phone supervision as she worked towards becoming a Nationally Certified Gambling Counselor.
APA (5th ed) citation for this podcast:
Singer, J. B. (Host). (2008, February 10). Phone supervision (Part II): Interview with Simon Feuerman and Melissa Groman [Episode 32]. Social Work Podcast. Podcast retrieved Month Day, Year, from
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