One Year Anniversary: Interview with Jonathan Singer

The Social Work Podcast has had a very successful first year. I consider it a success because, without advertising or promotion other than word of mouth,the number of visitors and downloads has increased significantly over the year. According to Google Analytics, a free webmetrics program, the social work podcast website has had almost 13,000 visitors � almost 10,000 unique visitors, who have viewed 25,000 pages, and downloaded over 250 gigabytes of podcasts. According to iTunes, the Social Work Podcast is the number one podcast on social work-related topics.
The most popular podcasts are on cognitive behavioral theory, developing treatment plans, person-centered therapy and DSM for social workers. People have accessed the podcast from all 50 states and the district of Columbia, and 113 additional countries and territories. Not surprisingly the most number of visitors have come from English speaking countries. But, there have also been visitors from Israel, Germany, Malaysia, Iran, Pakistan, Finland, etc.
Because the podcast is accessed internationally, it really makes me think more about how I�m contextualizing the podcasts. I�m more aware of how some topics might be very different in different parts of the country and different parts of the world. Perhaps one day we�ll have comparative podcasts, for example social workers in New Zealand, Canada, Great Britain and the USA talking about what is similar and different with case management and service coordination.

APA (5th ed) citation for this podcast:
Singer, J. B. (Host). (2008, February 19). One year anniversary: Interview with Jonathan Singer [Episode 34]. Social Work Podcast. Podcast retrieved Month Day, Year, from
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