Introduction to Grant Proposal Writing (Part II): The Narrative, Budget and Appendices
Today's interview with Dr. Edward Sites is the second in a two-part series on grant writing. In today's episode, I talk with Dr. Sites about the three sections most commonly found in grant applications - the narrative, the budget and the appendices. In the first episode, Dr. Sites talks about strategies for developing and writing a grant proposal. You can find the first part of the interview, as well as Dr. Site's thoughts on the role of women in the development of social work in the United States at the social work podcast website at
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Narrative Section
Budgets are simply another way of stating the proposal. The narrative is in sentence and paragraph form. The budget is in numbers, rows, columns and totals. Both sections are necessary, and both sections must be consistent with each other. What appears in the narrative must also appear in the budget. Nothing can be presented in the budget that is not covered in the narrative. Budgets can be technical. They are a topic for another day. In the meantime, technical help is always available from the organization for which you are writing.
APA (5th ed) citation for this podcast:
Singer, J. B. (Host). (2007, August 21). Introduction to grant proposal writing (part II): The narrative, budget and appendices [Episode 23]. Social Work Podcast. Podcast retrieved Month Day, Year, from
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Narrative Section
- Cover letter, letter of transmittal or printed cover face sheet form
- Abstract or Executive Summary
- Table of Contents
- Introduction or Background
- Need Statement
- Proposed Program
- Goals
- Objectives
- Design or Methodology
- Location
- Staffing
- Project Administration
- Implementation Time Table
- Special needs such as equipment or especially designed facilities
- Evaluation of Project
- Budget Narrative
Budgets are simply another way of stating the proposal. The narrative is in sentence and paragraph form. The budget is in numbers, rows, columns and totals. Both sections are necessary, and both sections must be consistent with each other. What appears in the narrative must also appear in the budget. Nothing can be presented in the budget that is not covered in the narrative. Budgets can be technical. They are a topic for another day. In the meantime, technical help is always available from the organization for which you are writing.
- Bibliography
- Technical data (e.g. census data)
- Letters of support
- Table of organization
- Job descriptions
- Vitae
- Maps
- Bids
- Licenses, certificates, permits, etc.
- Evaluation instruments
- Statements of nondiscrimination, drug-free workplace, etc.
- 501(c)(3) documentation
- Board of Directors
- Annual report
- Organizational budgets and audited financial statements
- Internal Review Board (IRB) approval(s)
- Feasibility
- Credibility
- Capability
- Accountability
- Transferability
APA (5th ed) citation for this podcast:
Singer, J. B. (Host). (2007, August 21). Introduction to grant proposal writing (part II): The narrative, budget and appendices [Episode 23]. Social Work Podcast. Podcast retrieved Month Day, Year, from
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