Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) Adapted for Social Work: Interview with Marion Bogo and Mary Rawlings

[Episode 94] Today�s episode of the Social Work Podcast is on Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) for social work. My guests, Marion Bogo and Mary Rawlings, and their co-authors Ellen Katz and Carmen Logie, are pioneers in the development, implementation, and evaluation of OSCE adapted for social work. The audience for today's episode is social work faculty, specifically practice instructors who are interested in learning more about how to objectively evaluate their student's skills. Today's episode reviews the origins of OSCE adapted for social work, how it is implemented in different types of social work programs, some findings from the research that has been conducted on OSCE, and some recommendations for faculty who are interested in learning more about this approach. Disclosure: I served as a CSWE Council on Publications liason with Marion Bogo for the text Using Simulation in Assessment and Teaching: OSCE Adapted for Social Work (Objective Structured C...