Beginnings, Middles, and Ends: Stories about Social Work from Ogden Rogers, Ph.D.

[Episode 87] In today's social work podcast, we're looking at the beginning, middle, and end of social work. No, this is not an apocalyptic tale of burning towers of progress notes and zombie utilization managers... although that does sound kind of interesting. No. Today�s episode is much more innocent than that. Ask any social worker, first year undergrad or emeritus professor, �what are the most basic phases of social work?� They will tell you: beginning, middle, and end. In today's Social Work Podcast we hear excerpts from a collection of poems and short stories called Beginnings, Middles & Ends: Sideways Stories on the Art & Soul of Social Work , written by Ogden W. Rogers, Ph.D., LCSW, ACSW , Professor and Chair of the Department of Social Work at The University of Wisconsin-River Falls , and published in 2013 by White Hat Communications . Ogden has written a beautiful little collection of stories from his 30 years of social work experience. Of the 99 stories ...