So You Want To Work Abroad? An Interview with David Dininio

In today's Social Work Podcast I speak with David Dininio, Recruitment Manager for HCL Social Care International , about how social workers in the United States can work as social workers in other countries. Let�s be honest. You didn�t become a social worker because you wanted to travel the world. Even if you�re someone who has the travel bug � You�re a social worker. You�re not making a whole lot of money? How are you going to finance it? Today�s Social Work Podcast is about how social workers can work abroad. I�m a big proponent of living abroad. When I was 15, my family moved to Cambridge, England. I was not interested in going. I was supposed to start 10th grade at T.C. Williams High School in Alexandria, Virginia. You might have heard of T.C. Williams. Denzel Washington made it famous in the movie �Remember the Titans,� a story about how a coach and a football team helped the school and the city coming to terms with racial integration. Now, the movie came out years after I ...