Advice for young social work investigators: Interview with Allen Rubin, Ph.D.

[Episode 38] In today's podcast, I continue my conversation with Dr. Allen Rubin about social work research. Allen shared his advice for young social work investigators - that is social work researchers who are just starting out in their career as researchers. Allen talks about the value of getting a postdoc, the importance of getting hooked up with a federally-funded investigator for social workers interested doing federally-funded research, having good relationships with social work agencies, and the challenges of actually doing social work research. Allen shared his thoughts on the problems with so-called hot methodologies and the realities of pursuing federal funding. Download MP3 [24:29] Dr. Rubin is the Jean Kantambu Latting College Professorship of Leadership and Social Change at the University of Houston . At the time of the interview, Dr. Rubin was the Bert Kruger Smith Centennial Professor in the School of Social Work at The University of Texas at Austin, where he...