Clinical Hypnosis (Part II): An Interview with Dr. Elizabeth Winter

[Episode 29] Today's podcast is the second in a two-part series on Clinical Hypnosis. According to the American Society for Clinical Hypnosis , hypnosis is a state of inner absorption, concentration and focused attention. Today I spoke with Dr. Elizabeth Winter about how and when to use clinical hypnosis. In the first episode, Dr. Winter and I spoke about the history of clinical hypnosis, key assumptions, goals, the client's role and types of problems that might be addressed with clinical hypnosis. Download MP3 [18:41] References The American Society for Clinical Hypnosis: The Milton H. Erickson Foundation: Montgomery, G. H., et al (2007). A Randomized Clinical Trial of a Brief Hypnosis Intervention to Control Side Effects in Breast Surgery Patients . Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 99 , 1304-1312. Pisano, M. (2007, November 17). Hypnosis takes patients to a calmer place . Houston Chronicle American Colle...