
Showing posts from October, 2007

Family Psychoeducation: Interview with Carol Anderson, Ph.D.

[Episode 27] In today's podcast, I speak with Carol Anderson, who along with Gerry Hogarty, developed a family-based approach to working with people with schizophrenia called Family Psychoeducation. Family Psychoeducation is only one of a handful of treatments that has been empirically validated to improve the lives of people with serious mental illness. According to the American Psychiatric Association, when people with schizophrenia are involved in family psychoeducation while taking medication, there is a significant reduction in relapse and unemployment. In today's podcast, Carol describes the 5 stages of psychoeducation, distinguishes between psychoeducation and other forms of family therapy, provides some anecdotes about family psychoeducation treatment, and provides some information for people interested in learning how to do family psychoeducation. Carol Anderson, Ph.D. is a Professor of Psychiatry and Social Work at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. Her cur...

Dialectical Behavior Therapy: Interview with Sabrina Heller, LSW

[Episode 26] In today�s podcast, I speak with Sabrina Heller, a social worker in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania who has used Dialectical Behavior Therapy, (DBT) in a variety of clinical settings, including an inpatient eating disorders clinic and an outpatient substance abuse treatment program. In today's interview we spoke about the goal of DBT, clinical techniques, the role of the client and clinician, the skills training workshop, the three mind states: reasonable mind, emotion mind, and wise mind, and how Sabrina incorporates DBT into her work with clients. Download MP3 [52:12] Transcript Introduction In today�s podcast, I speak with Sabrina Heller, a social worker in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania who has used Dialectical Behavior Therapy, (DBT) in a variety of clinical settings, including an inpatient eating disorders clinic and an outpatient substance abuse treatment program. In today's interview we spoke about the goal of DBT, clinical techniques, the role of the client and c...

Results of the first Social Work Podcast Poll

This whole podcast thing is pretty new, and there are only a handful of publicly available podcasts for social workers. Traditional media like television and radio have a pretty good idea of who is tuning in and what they want. In fact, entire industries are dedicated to identifying consumer preferences. The world of podcasts is a little more like the Wild West. I know a little bit about who listens to the Social Work Podcast: I know that since March, 2007, 3200 unique visitors have come to the website over 10,000 times from places like Iran, Australia, England, Canada, China, and Oklahoma. I know that the podcasts have been downloaded over 1000 times. I also know that three times as many people use Internet Explorer as any other browser to view the site. However, I know almost nothing about how you listen to the podcasts, what your preferences are for lengths and topics, why you listen to the podcast, and I know nothing about whether or not you find the podcasts useful, clin...