Social Networking: Interview with Dr. Lambert Maguire

[Episode 21] In today's podcast, I speak with Dr. Lambert Maguire about social networks. Dr. Maguire discussed the development of his interest in the topic, as well as some historical context for understanding social networks. We discussed the theoretical assumptions and differential applications in research and clinical work. Dr. Maguire relates the traditional understanding of social networks to contemporary uses of "web 2.0" social networking sites such as We end out interview with a description of how social networks can be conceptualized throughout the life span. Dr. Maguire's primary interests are in direct practice and the use of social support systems and networks in treatment, prevention, and rehabilitation. He has been the P.I. on NIMH grants for both research and training, and has experience as a researcher and practitioner in mental health and substance abuse. He is currently on the editorial board or serves as a reviewer for four journal...