Crisis Intervention and Suicide Assessment: Part 2 - Intervention and Crisis Assessment

[Episode 4] This is part two of a two-part series on Crisis Intervention. In this lecture, I discuss individual crisis intervention within the context of Roberts's Seven-Stage Model of Crisis Intervention, and the most popular group crisis intervention model currently in use, Critical Incident Stress Debriefing. The podcast ends with a detailed review of suicide assessment. Please visit: for the first part of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Assessment. Download MP3 [21:24] Transcript [0:00:13] Now that you�ve assessed the affective, behavioral and cognitive domains of your client, we're going to move to the intervention model for today�s lecture. And although there are a variety of intervention models, including James and Gilliland (they have a 6-stage intervention model) and Hillman (has a 14-stage model of intervention), I'm going to talk today about Roberts� 7-stage model for crisis interv...